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DescriptionWHATS UP WITH THOSE 430 FURS? THATS STOOPID!!! (I found this on the drugfreefurs group on FA, a loveable bunch! [LIES])NOTHING RELATED, EVERYTHING RETARDEDDrag with your finger or use your scrollwheel to navigate. Commentsmisako Mar31/11 22:03What I think is funny is that the WORST drug they can think to be against is pot... OMG! A FUCKING PLANT!!! NOT METH, Pot. I'm not sure how common stoney furs are though... I remember last AC I searched high and low (mostly high) for stoney furs, and found maybe.... 5? And I was pretty much just outright askin people if they were stoney furs.... kaninchen Apr1/11 02:36Furcadia. com is full of them. I don't know if they go to the cons or not though. Iwould love to go to a con but don't know How i would get there.
Kappy Apr1/11 08:25Oh god, not the 430 furs. karma Apr2/11 08:43Live and let stupid. huggabear Apr2/11 08:47amen karma haha Rockopossum Apr3/11 11:55hey come on, which of us don't start smoking at 4:20 and are still smokin by 4:30 LMAO novabuttz Apr3/11 13:00Ugh...I hate "legal eagles" misako Apr3/11 21:51haha! I know! Fuck all those 'cool-to-be-clean' kids.... kaninchen Apr3/11 23:56Yeah, it should be, "It's-clean-to-be-cool"...errrm...ummm...n/m........* foxlikemad Jun14/11 21:56lol i laugh at all anti pot peoples doesnt matter if they are furry or not... they all be ijiots
Kensuke_Kitty Mar31/11 21:59
Yeah, they're a bunch of fucking assholes.
There are and have been many anti-drug and anti-weed furry groups, but they always collapse very fast under the weight of their own stupidity.
Also, their numbers are ridiculously small. I think 420furs has more users than all of the all of the anti groups that have ever been or will be, put together.