The Musings of a Naked Kitsune

i see a girl furry skunk with saggy tits

  • Jul10/08 14:28:09

what a beautiful world this is, where we can explore our form and sexuality

the bright universe is blinding of adventure

i'm so baked ^~^ brhhhhhhh... i love you all! rainbow stars! 

What's wrong with me!

  • Jul4/08 22:08:43
  • Listening To rihanna - disturbia
  • Feeling baked as fuck
  • Smoking a pipe <3
[Sly]rihanna has a new song <3 disturbia

anthropomorphic creatures

  • Jun26/08 22:00:15
  • Listening To karmamusic
  • Feeling gone
  • Smoking a foxcock

i must tell you that you are all completely beautiful <3 we are an art form in the realm of reality, in the atmosphere of life, we are the faeries who guide the learned, the angels who heal the weak...


i am a kitsune, wild enough to adventure but tame enough to love, sly enough to breathe...sly enough to breathe...


clouds are shapeshifters ,like the kitsunes of ancient foklore in Japan, the island kingdom...flopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 


  • Jun11/08 13:42:24
  • Listening To lots of buzzing
  • Feeling whuuhhh

not so great eh? I don't feel like i've gotten anything off it to be honest, but if i do, instead of being normal high like "uhhh", i just feel more active high like "ohhhh"


I am, rather, having much entertainment with my imagination. I've invented dialogues and characters and this hot foxy is typing away at a computer saying words i cannot comprehend! My two characters atm are victor and dellian, a medieval wolf guy and lady sheep!

<Victor> why does the world on edges urn upside down
<Dellian> well i dont' know choppychap, perhaps the beavers and the logs aren't aligned as they say
<Victor> could it be possible that the clocks aren't ticking in the proiper direction as they were born to?
<Dellian> WHY yes! that must be!
<Victor> FETCH THE BUTANE!!!!!

What crazy adventures have the planets offerin to uth thith thyme ROFL im gayth dont lath at me u guyyyyyth thop it thop it thop ittttt NO THERIOUTHLY THOP OK 

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

  • Jun10/08 07:31:34

Yes, all that junk inside that trunk?

 The world is a mighty, beautiful place. I hope by the time i turn 60 the sky will still be blue.

 I'm sitting next to the hottest fox in townnnn murrr ^-^ he's so freakin cute and he does this high voice thing when he yips

so it's 10:28 and i'm already fuckin starving. hey god! you fucked up! but it's ok, i'm naked. and that's ok too, it's mating season for about another week.