Imma fucking DJ!Use your arrow keys to navigate.
Imma fucking DJ!
DescriptionDid this yesterday, havent touched photoshop in eversEmo... the panda husky!Drag with your finger or use your scrollwheel to navigate. CommentsEmopanda Mar21/11 12:40I have a pair of technics 1200 MK2's good faggot but you cant really hold those like a boom box... God why must you furries be so uptight and presumptuous I bet you wouldn't even know what a baby scratch would sound like. Kensuke_Kitty Mar21/11 13:35I stand corrected. Why would you touch that thing if you have tech12s? Also, do you find wearing a diaper helps you DJ? Like, you can shit your pants during a really long set and just go on? Zhayde Mar21/11 18:13How're the faders holding up on your xponent. My buddy's seems to be crapping out after a year of hard use. We thought his crossfader was toast for a while after beer got spilled all over it. Spent a whole morning with alcohol and a q-tip cleaning the contacts. Emopanda Mar22/11 17:00
@Zhaydie: Nerp she works just a well as she did when I picked her up about 2 years ago, the knobs seem to be the only thing that need regular maintenance but with all important stuff in your life, treat her right and she'll treat you right... totally true when h think I noticed her midi response time going up when I was using her only as an external sound card and a surface for dishes xD... @Ken: Uhhh I use an xponent as well as timecoded techs cuz Im alil more then just a bedroom DJ, and yeah Diapers help me pick up chicks, especially at shows, very handy things to wear, especially for the crap yourself onstage cuz of this filthy dubstep factor. |
Kensuke_Kitty Mar21/11 10:52
Get some real decks you fucking poser