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Registered Dec3/11 13:14
Last Login Dec3/11 13:15
Last Action Dec3/11 13:34
Country United States
Province Colorado
Location Monument
Occupation Student
Interests science, medical biology, furry, art, sculpting, music, medical marijuana, toking,
 lacusdelta [at] gmail.com
 lacusdelta [at] hotmail.com
About Me Hi! I'm Lacus and I'm a corgi. In the furry world, my fursona lives in a dystopian science fiction world where she is often paid in Marijuana by the rebel outpost to go on missions against the suppressive totalitarian military that aims to strip the humanity from it's soldiers using neurological means. In real life I am a community college student that loves orange and bright blue. I like science fiction and I'm a giant geek for medical biology. I am a chick, but not a particularly girly one. I am also TAKEN so please don't ask. The art on my page was done by FA user ChudilyDoo Feel free to draw my fursona as long as it is CLEAN and you give credit to me. Please ask about art of a questionable nature.