- Aug14/18 06:17:19
- Edited Aug14/18 06:19:23
- Listening To Led Zepplin
- Feeling Depressed, angry, anxious, disgusted, anguished, betrayed
Uh oh
Someone is being a tattletale
Uh oh
Crybabies always wail
It doesn't matter what had happened
The past is the past and it never even happened
According to me
Who was not at the scene
And only listen to myself
And put myself above your safety
Uh oh
Someone's gonna cry
Uh oh
Everyone knows you lied
Except I didn't
You're a fraud
You left him even
Please drop this facade
I was only little
And didn't know a thing
You'd rather blame the victim
Than hear the crows sing
Your song of failure
I can only feel
Like chewed bubblegum and passed around chocolate
It has been years since the incident
But scars never leave
Hardly fade
Never go away
I find myself crying at dawn's break
Thinking of that doll that was smashed to pieces on a couch
In a gross trailer
Where his kind of trash belongs
Karma got him good
All mean teddybears get thrown out eventually
My curse was put upon him
No matter how many times I wail and cry and told to shut up
Told to get over it
Not to cry
Or even told I am a liar
I have comfort knowing
That he is suffering
For what he did to me
And many before
Anger mistaken for sex
Misandry mistaken for lesbianism
Anxiety mistaken for worrying too much
Depression mistaken for being a fuck up
Confusion mistaken for degeneracy
Crying out mistaken for crimes
I want it to end
I want my tears to end
I want his face erased from my brain
I want him gone
And I will not be satisfied
Until he is either out of this state
In a prison
Or greeting Satan with his awful grin