Psychedelia in HD

poem for nyx (c)Rio 07

  • Dec21/07 04:04:48
  • Listening To Traffic - Paper Sun
  • Feeling tired
  • Smoking a nitter

Come with me and oscillate your mind,

There is a new face I’ve just seen,

My love dreams music; her treasure I must find


Once stardust and rib; now bone, flesh, and hide,

We are the tanuki and the faerie…

Come with me and oscillate your mind


She’s insane sitting in her nowhere land,

Take a hit, take a trip, and listen for me,

My love dreams music; her treasure I must find


Break the chains and leave your sorrows behind,

Fits of laughter, shimmers of ecstasy,

Come with me and oscillate your mind


I’m high with a little help from my friends,

Imagined life but good times are killing me,

My love dreams music; her treasure I must find


Our love, our life; once broken, now entwined,

Possessing and caressing me,

Come with me and oscillate your mind,

My love dreams music; her treasure I must find.


  • Dec19/07 20:42:55
  • Listening To Paper Planes - M.I.A.
  • Feeling content
  • Smoking a chillum of dro

AWESOME.  I've just smoked a small chillum after 3/4 of a bottle of '04 Cali Cab, and I feel amazing.  Nothing can bring me down now.  I've just graduated college and I have my A.A.S. in Culinary Arts.  Right now I've got a 40hr a week job that's easy and close to home.  My lady and I are loving every bit of each other.  And my dealer gives me the weed I desperately persue.

 Life is finally good for me.  Stress-free, and enjoying every bit of life.

 Off to smoke another bowl.

karma Dec19/07 20:45:04
[karma]Congratulations :D *drinks to that*
  • Dec8/07 00:02:06
  • Listening To Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  • Feeling wired & tired
  • Smoking a Camel Red 9's

Hello everyone.  Lurker turned blogger. 

I'm Rio, 21/m stoner tanuki from Chicago.  And kappy fan! ^_^  

Taking a break from final projects (I hate gen eds).  I graduate culinary school on the 15th!  Ugh, tired, but Vyvanse (Rx adderall, MY Rx) is keeping me awake, and coffee.  *sigh* Sadly, no weed til the 10th, at the earliest.  I gotta wait for my paycheck.

I just downloaded  the Timothy Leary album offa iTunes, it's pretty trippy.


khyberkitsune Dec9/07 11:05:02
[khyberkitsune]Welcome to our little personal funspot! *passes a j*
karma Dec9/07 18:49:42

Hiya Rio! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation ^.^


*punks a few addies and skitters off* =o