My power may go off today so I'd like to share this these thoughts. The government is no longer able to adequately support the American People, so the American people should support themselves. I recently received stewardship of a farm where I will reside, to become as self-sufficient and as independent as I possibly can,since the government has so badly failed at helping folks like us, and has let us down so badly in it seems everything we do...so I WILL support and cooperate with the government where I am supposed to and will do LITERALLY everything I can to eliminate government influence in my life WHERE I CAN LEGALLY DO SO WITHOUT HARM TO THE GOVERNMENT AND/OR MYSELF!
Violence and overthrow of the government is ridiculous and counterproductive. Instead, work to supply as many utilities and needs as you possibly can, YOURSELF! Where you can produce EXTRA, share with others that are not able to produce those things well, they, in turn, can share the extra things they have with you. I'm not advocating being in communes or back to the land per se, I am just saying look around at the things you have and figure out ways to use and/or increase their potential, then help folks in need, and help them learn to discover, develop, and produce the things they are best able to and share them with the people that have need of those things! That way everyone can benefit and not put a strain on the government or on ITS resources.