Musings of a Hillbunny Stoner
- Aug1/11 20:31:26
- Edited Aug1/11 20:36:36
This week is FAT BUNNY WEEK on FA! I'm in heaven! Being a rabbit and having USED to weigh 500 pounds 6 years ago, this is right up my alley! (I'm 230 pounds, 6'3" tall and am STILL losing weight.) I submitted a photo of one of my pet rabbits, Rainbow (RIP). He was fat and playful and affectionate and friendly! He even liked to be held and carried (MANY rabbits DON'T)! He will be sorely missed! I really LIE FA now. I am becoming popular there and have discovered famous furry artists live-streaming them selves doing art. Most of them are stoners and we toke and chat while watching AMAZING art being done. I want a picture of my fursona as a chibi grinning and hugging a GIANT green carrot with with weed, colas, and palm leaves bushing out of the top of the carrot! maybe call it, "'Juana Toke?