Inside the bong
- Feb1/10 22:25:41
- Edited Feb1/10 22:30:18
- Listening To Flogging Molly
- Feeling restless
so, this might as well be a second hand story, I was pretty far gone when it happened. But, I'll try to recreate the experience as best I can. On saturday night, my friend Susan shows up at another friend's birthday party. we were pretty surprised to see each other, and for the next half hour determined that the college is, without a doubt, small. So as the night wears on, the crowd progressively gets more and more drunk, and Susan and I realize that neither of us exactly have a stomach for alcohol. We're at a loss for a moment, until my good friend Janusz comes up and says "you two! my room! we're smoking!" and a better suggestion I have never heard.
Between the three of us, we smoked less than a bowl. I am at an utter loss as to how we got so high. It shouldn't have been possible. Susan takes the first hit, and as she exhales she looks shocked at how much smoke she's exhaling. I started to smirk about it, but then I did the exact same thing! Turns out my new bubbler just hits super smoothly. just as we're reaching the end of the bowl, my friend Anna (who I have a mild crush on) comes in from the afore-mentioned party (oh screw it it's like Romeo and Juliet except I'm Count Paris), same time the smoke starts to hit me. for the next few minutes, the four of us are a giggling pile of mess. eventually, Anna realizes we're all high and gives us the best gift I've ever recieved, Alice ( ). I closed my eyes and listened, and I went for one of the best trips of my life.
It starts with me curled up, almost in a sitting fetal position. I can't remember anything about me, just the world I was in. As I'm sitting in my bong, I start to get smaller... the water chamber opens up around me, and suddenly I'm in an indescribably vast glass cathedral. I'm sitting on the slide now, and the world around me is a glorious, shimmering haze. But it didn't stop there... I kept getting smaller. This was starting to get very curious indeed. I got so small that the glass walls of the bong were lost from sight... the down-stem started to get less round. Eventually, I was so small that I perceived the stem to be completely flat. it was like standing on the earth; you know it's round, but for all you can tell the square you're standing on is perfectly level. Then things started to get really exciting. I could start to see deformities in the glass, places where it had rippled and deformed when it cooled, but soon I lost sight of those features too. for a while, nothing of interest happened, but then I could just barely start to make them out... I could see atoms! this was unreal! But then I started to get really excited. if I could see atoms, and if I kept getting smaller... who knows where I'd end up? So I kept getting smaller. I went past the valiance electron shells of an atom... then through the inner shells. Then there was a vast emptiness... impossible to describe. absolutely pristine. then I came up on the nucleus. it was spinning wildly! the protons and neutrons whirled around in front of my eyes, too fast to see, until ... I passed into them. the world is suddenly dense, filled with I remember distinctly colors of orange and blue, dancing with each other in a crystal-like pattern... it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
And then, I opened my eyes and shook my head, and the other three in the room just stared at me until Janusz says "you, sir, are high." All in all, good night! Susan unfortunately started to feel sick, but we walked her home and tucked her in bed. she took it like a champ. More adventures to come soon!