Spring break in .... orlando!
- Mar8/10 13:06:07
- Listening To Bach's piano inventions
- Feeling TIRED!
- Smoking a sober
Screw Miami, I just got back from three days in Disney World!
... and I feel as if I have grown as a person. You see, before Disney, I was very vocal about my dislike for roller coasters. Then I met a stunning and beautiful creature. Her name was Space Mountain. I have never had quite that much fun in my life (save perhaps a few occasions ... most were NSFW, and the other was caught on camera ) For those who have never been, it starts you out in a red-light tube, kind of like what you'd expect to see if you were in a shuttle getting launched from the star trek Enterprise. Then, after you climb for what feels like forever... pitch black. you cannot see the cart, the track, or even really your own hand. all you can see are the thousands of stars that are projected onto the walls and celiling. The only roller coaster I'd been on before this was the Commet at the Great Escape in New York, and it was such an unpleasent experience that I decided I forever hated them. But this... it was actually almost relaxing at times! So, after riding Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and Test Track, I'm changing my mind about the inherent evin in roller coasters. I now think it's time for me to start nurturing a more loving relationship with them.
So, now I'm in New York for a few days, then it's off to good old Vermont to spend some quality time with the parents. Hopefully I can pick up some good weed whyle I'm there, anything of similar caliber on campus would cost at least twice as much! I'll probably have some good stories to post too. until then, happy blazing!