- Jun19/12 01:15:02
Dude. Blazed while working on homework and watching Maury is crazy...
Randomness from Richardson, TexasHappiness
I think people should all like be friends, you know? I mean, if we'r all fighting, how will we be happy? We're not fun when we're not happy. People should be like happier, you know? I think things would be better then.
Keigeru Aug23/09 21:15:54
Well now, that's why we got our bud, friend. Weed brings people together... until we come down. We need to be permatrippin'.
JoshtheWolf Sep2/09 20:37:26
Wow...I don't even remember making this. XD
Clean out my system
School's starting soon, and my school's considering having random drug testing. Does anybody know any tricks to get the pot out of my system in maybe a day (in case I get chosen to be tested), or the closest to it? Kensuke_Kitty Aug17/09 00:53:47
A day? No way.
Also, if they do hair testing, there's nothing you can do.
I'd join whatever protest group is forming on the grounds of it being unconstitutional and go from there. JoshtheWolf Aug17/09 01:09:49
Never mind; I just got a message from a friend of mine that he just heard they're not going to do the random drug tests. Thanks, though. |