and the Lord said, 'let's get shitfaced.'

I made a mome rath

  • Dec23/07 01:03:15
  • Listening To meat loaf
[Nikke]So Alice in Wonderland is pretty much my favorite Disney movie. I've also seen a Czech version that was almost all stop animation. So anyway today I decided I wanted to make a mome rath (I always laugh my ass off at that part even if I'm not stoned) plus mome rath is fun to say. Now I just need to find a shirt to sew it onto.
Ripp Dec23/07 10:50:10 edited Dec23/07 10:50:59
[Ripp]OI.  Those're MY green pigs, I'll have you know.  D:
karma Dec23/07 11:12:04
[karma]I still have to see Alice :\
Nikke Dec23/07 23:36:02
[Nikke]You want I should make you mome rath Ripp? I could even get a shirt to sew it onto for you, or just send it as a giant Mome Patch.
Ripp Dec24/07 04:49:30 edited Dec24/07 04:49:38
[Ripp]That.  Would be sweet as shit.
Nikke Dec24/07 14:41:42
[Nikke]Color preference?
Ripp Dec26/07 16:58:06 edited Dec26/07 16:58:22
[Ripp]I like red.