Sex Addiction
- Mar23/10 15:11:45
WARNING: the following is an inane rant and if you should feel offended by anything stated in the following then TS
so i was at work today and a co-worker was helping me sort the Addiction section (it has books on how to quit smoking, drinking or other addictions) and i came across the book Sex Addicts Anonymous.
as i think this is a load of crap, i scoffed and made a sarcastic comment. now the co-worker did not appreciate this apparently and told me i shouldn't "mock those who suffer from addiction"
im sorry at what point does one "suffer" from a sex addiction? Heroin, thats an addiction you suffer from, Cocaine, thats an addiction!
the definition of addiction is: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (i.e. heroin, nicotine, etc.) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal
im sorry Tiger, do you get the shakes and start vomiting when you don't f*ck for a few days?
i love sex and i wish i was having it now, does that make me an addict? i also wish i had some ice cream, i guess im addicted to ice cream now, damn!
saying your addicted to sex is like saying your addicted to chocolate, they're just people who have no self control and want everyone to think its not they're fault by labeling it as a problem they cant control
*sigh* why do we feel the need to have sympathy for stupid people?