
  • Mar26/10 08:55:12
  • Listening To Rain and Ice
  • Feeling Excite!
  • Smoking a Notta

Last weekend I took a couple grams of shrooms. It's been since October since I've indulged and I have been searching high & low ever since! I decided last weekend to take them as tea because I always have nausea throughout my trips. Although the visuals were very seldom I had a great experience nonetheless! With NO nausea whatsoever. However today Im thinking about trying them as lemon shots which apparently make them much more potent. This time I will probably take a bit more as well. I'll update about my trip tomorrow! Wish me luck! >:)

Any tips on what to do for fun during? 

Miko Fox Mar26/10 15:11:00
[Miko Fox]

Sweet. I'm going to be growing shrooms myself here in about a month and a half or so. Have a nice trip. Something fun to do? 6 words bro, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. O_O


swiftfox Mar26/10 16:47:46
ahh, I've always been mildly afraid of shrooms, but too curious to just forget about them. If music is your thing, try Brahms' Ein Deutcheist Requiem. Or, introduce yourself to my favorite composer ever, Gustave Mahler. His symphonies are long... like, 90 minutes to two hours long... but they're so pretty!
Kappy Mar27/10 21:35:36
[Kappy]This makes me sound like a total hippy, but I highly recommend going out into nature (especially if its a nice day) and just meditating! Or if you cant meditate, just sitting and enjoying nature! No vibes are better than mother natures vibes (: And shroomies are the best way to tune in!