
Resin... eww

  • Mar20/10 00:58:27
  • Smoking a Black goo... :(

Any tips/tricks on working with resin? Currently hurting for weed, and am trying to make this experience as pleasant as possible.




Kensuke_Kitty Mar20/10 01:01:57 edited Mar20/10 01:02:14

Edged art knife is your best be for harvesting it in hard to reach places.


 There's lots to know and lots of stuff you can do with resin, it's hard to find a place to start.

Kappy Mar20/10 12:25:56

I just harvested my resin, myself!
depending on what you use, will be how you can resurrect your thc! I scrape my bowl pieces! The easiest way to get it out is to heat up the bowl first with a lighter (just hover the flame under it for a while) until the resin gets warm, then you can use anything to scrape it out.. I've used screw drivers, paper clips and my favorite is a bobby pin (hair pin) if you can get your hands on one! I recommend harvesting it into a seperate container, then you can load it back into the bowl, or cover it with kief before loading it! YUM YUM, resin gets you SUPER high

Miko Fox Mar20/10 16:08:08 edited Mar20/10 16:09:09
[Miko Fox]

Yeah I'm with Kappy on that one. Heat it first, it'll save you a lot of work in the long run. For me, box cutters are a good length and good at removing resin. Heat the blade first, it'll help loosen the resin when you scrape it.Wink

Man, hate it when everyone's dry and I have to resort to resin scraping. Tough times...