The Insanity Dragon LIVESSSSSSSSS!!!


  • Apr17/10 20:25:18
[John St. Malice]

OK... so im freaking out here, and the need the advice of the geniuses here at 420furs. So the other day, im sittin in front of my computer playin the SC II beta cause my mate wasnt home, and then she showed up like two hours early from her dads and tells me that im gonna be a dad!! Holy shit am i freaked out? yes. i have no idea what to do. Im happy though, and freakishly excited, mostly because we're both furries. so yeah, Help me out! >..<



Kensuke_Kitty Apr17/10 20:47:02
Kappy Apr17/10 22:06:49

I'm not really understanding - what is there to even help you with?
Doesn't sound like ideal circumstances at all - especially if you had no idea it was coming. Uh, Wow. That's all I can say.

Miko Fox Apr26/10 18:10:24
[Miko Fox]You're going to have a cub! *Mr. Fox Smile* That's great news...

I love the mail.

  • Apr9/10 18:15:29
[John St. Malice]

Holy Shit. I can barely see straight, and the iphone screen is too small.


Today i got a package in the mail. I was expectiong it, but not what was inside it. My cousin is in prison, and i went to visit him, and we got on the subject of christ mas presents.. (yeah i know too fuckin late...) and he brings up he hadnt got me anything. So he tells me hes gonna have his buddy send me something. So today i get home from work and i sit down on my couch, turn on the PS2, and light a cigarette. About halfway through my cig, theres a knock on the door. So i tell him to hold on, put out my cig, and get up to answer the door, fearing the worst, and its the GODDAMNED UPS guy -..-' 

Im standin there in psycho dragon mode and its just the ups guy. so he hands me his little PDA, i sign for a package, he hands it over, ic lose the door, and look at the adress, and dont recognize it. so I proceed to rip it open and inside is a Qp and a whole sheet of acid!!!! So now im just waiting for my buddies to show up, and its off to the moon with me!

Till next time. whenever in hell that is.


huskers0420 Apr9/10 18:20:30
omg thats crazy. u shood save me some lol
Kappy Apr9/10 21:46:43

Holy shit it pays to have prison connects LOL
What a fucking STEAL, you are going to have so much fun :D

John St. Malice Apr9/10 22:15:44
[John St. Malice]

I... *laughs like a psycho* I am so fucking... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. my girlfriend is typing this. ill... post tomorrow when i can stand.


John St. Malice Apr9/10 22:32:07
[John St. Malice]

Remind me... when one trips.... no riding in a car. or attempting to do PCP... ever. -..-'



Miko Fox Apr10/10 16:26:23
[Miko Fox]Lucky mother fucker. Tell the universe I said hi. Wink